These rules are designed to maximize the fun you have while gaming with us here at Pure Tactics while at the same time balancing safety for all gaming participants.
- No Running. Unless the gaming referee specifically advises that the game mode and location permits running, you may not run. If you run you may fall or, more importantly, you may run into someone and hurt them.
- No Blind Firing. Keep track of and look down the sight of your barrel at all times. Do not swing your gun around anything, under anything or on top of anything.
- No Charging. Related to the no running rule, you may not charge another player. Please try to stay at least five (5) feet from other players at all times. This will keep you and your fellow players safe. It will also make it harder for someone to tag you and, more importantly, will make you more effective. The sight is mounted above the barrel of your tagger and where the sight and IR light meet up is around 5 feet. Any closer and your sight and firing will be off and you will miss your target.
- No Talking When Tagged Out. Depending on the game mode, once you have been tagged you may proceed the respawn area. You may not point, gesture, look really hard at something or talk to your fellow teammates. Talking while tagged out provides an unfair advantage and will be punished by the Game Referees (e.g. you and/or fellow teammates will be tagged out of the round, game, etc.).
- No Spawn Camping. All players are safe directly behind their main camp. Once a player rounds the corner they are fair game. Engaging the other team behind their main camp provides an unfair advantage and will be punished by the Game Referees (e.g. you and/or fellow teammates will be tagged out of the round, game, etc.).
- Treat the Game and Equipment with Respect. Do not intentionally damage any equipment or move any portions of the Gaming Field. If you see something wrong or someone damaging the equipment, please advise a Gaming Referee.
- Have Fun. The entire purpose of gaming with Pure Tactics is to have fun. Get out there and enjoy yourself!
If you break any of these Rules there will be penalties. These penalties can range from a Gaming Referee telling you to stop, to you being removed from the game without a refund and/or being responsible for the cost to replace any equipment you damage.
Please use common sense when gaming. If you see something dangerous, please let a Gaming Referee know so action can be taken. If you are doing something dangerous, please stop before a Gaming Referee has to get involved. There are no refunds.
These Rules are designed and enforced for your safety and to permit all players to have a great time. Please follow them!